David C. Minton – Tips for Surviving Medical School

Many young people dream of going to med school to become doctors. David C. Minton knows what it takes to get into med school and knows how stressful it can be to complete. Here are some tips to help you survive med school.

David C Minton

David C Minton

•    Attend the orientation programs – most med schools will arrange multiple tours, student panels, introductory lectures and social events throughout the first couple of weeks. Take these opportunities to show your advisors that you are ready to learn.

•    Build relationships with mentors – your mentors will be able to help you grow your career by helping you make connections that will open doors to several opportunities including residencies and fellowships.

•    Take an active role in your education – to be successful you need to participate in additional experiences and knowledge outside the classroom. Giving extra effort and having extra motivation will help you stand out as a leader.

•    Take care of yourself – you need to find a balance between the demands of med school and other aspects of your life. Be able to prioritize, set limits, and develop stress management skills to see you through.

•    Foster a team environment – help build a supportive team environment by helping others in your program, showing good sportsmanship, and keeping your competitive nature in check.

Being able to complete medical school is a huge accomplishment. Be sure to take care of yourself during the demanding schedule and you will see yourself to the end. Becoming a physician like David C. Minton is a privilege and a huge responsibility that you earned.