David C. Minton – Why Applicants Fail to Get into Med School

Every year thousands of students apply for med school. And every year thousands are left feeling confused and in the dark as to why they were rejected. They don’t understand what they did to earn the rejection and many spend precious time trying to figure out what they need to do differently when the reapply. David C Minton, a clinical physician, made it through the application process and has this advice.

David C Minton

David C Minton

In order to increase your odds of being accepted, you need to apply to a large range of med schools. The competition to get into med school is fierce and if you have a narrow range of choices you may find yourself having to reapply next year. As a future medical student, you need to have more than just classroom experience. To have the best chance at acceptance, you need to include clinical experience on your application.

To gain admittance into medical school, you have to have a strong academic record. Even if you do well on the MCAT, med school admissions officials will still take your college GPA into consideration. You can also blow your chances of being accepted by not turning your application in early. By submitting your application early, you will be considered within a smaller pool of applicants.

Each medical school has its own criteria and admissions process and determine who gets accepted based on each applicant’s unique profile and situation. They consider each candidate individually and there are many things you can do to improve your chances of being accepted to your number one pick.